Sunday, April 5, 2020

Movie Review :Fanney Khan :A story of hope in times of despair

Movie Review : Fanney Khan 

Attempting to write a movie review after a Long time. A draining work week leaves one with barely enough time and energy to enjoy the few indulgence on weekend, a hard drink and Amazon primes extensive movie collection, which seems to be becoming my stress buster for the last few weeks 

I watched Fanney Khan during one such weekends. The story of a struggling factory worker, Prashant Sharma, who is also a small time musician, who ends up singing in the local mumbai chawl orchestras.Such is his passion for singing, that he names his only daughter after the legendary Lata Mangeshkar. He worships Rafi Sahab and wants to make it big as a singer. Eventually as it happens with most of us, passion is replaced with responsibility, dreams are replaced with just sleep, creativity is replaced with job, praises and accolades are replaced with Salaries, this is what precisely happens to Prashant Sharma. In the quest to survive, he forgets to live and forgets about every thing else except his dream 

There is a dialogue in the movie ,That dreams either get shattered or achieved. However for the protagonist, the dreams changed. Instead of dreaming for himself, he dreams for his daughter to become a famous singer. This forms the basic plot of the movie and how the father sets about to do anything possible to make sure that his daughter gets that one elusive opportunity that can let her shine. Opportunity, the big difference between the "Great" and the " Strugglers" and it's try across so many spheres of life, at work , school,jobs

Anil Kapoor as Fanney Khan will tug at your heart strings with an easy going earnesty that will melt it away sooner or later. The beauty about the movie is that inspite of all challenges and Strugglers, Fanney Khan is all about Hope. Th film is all about keeping your dream and chasing it with happiness and Hope and not angst. Anil Kapoors character is real, relatable, endearing and yet heroic. He is a loser who wants to win only for his daughter. Kapoor charms us with a sincerity and honesty that only he can evoke in a character...His eyes are gleaming and they convey the struggle and joys of the character Prashant Sharma 

Aishwarya rai as the iconic singer Baby singh is quite good. Finally Aishwarya rai seems to be pretty relaxed in front of the camera..I don't think she still makes the cut as a good actor but she foe sure looks much relaxed and that's the 1st step to Being seen as a good actor

Rajkumar Rao shines as the innconect friend of Anil Kapoor and provides the comic relief with his impeccable sense of light and subtle humour 

Divya Dutta is good as usual. She does a Fair job of the role

The new girl who plays Kapoor daughter deserves a special mention

Overall a quite movie with a great message,Live life and keep dreaming.....
"Dreams can come true even in dreams,you don't need to be awake " 

Anil Kapoors best work and we wonder why he wasted his talent trying to just work for his kitchen

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